erkeklere özel yabancı nickler


Girls are great! every boy should own one!
One day, we will look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject!
I’m cool, i’m hot….i’m everything you’re not!
She got her good looks from her father. he’s a plastic surgeon!
We don’t have a town drunk. we all share the responsibility!
I loved you yesterday..i love you still..ive always loved you..always will!!!
Can’t u see that its you that is making me do this to maself?
Theres always a boy who fancies u girls u jus dnt no it!!! giv us a chance nd we’ll giv u 1 2!!!
Be respectful wear a condom!
If love makes the world go round why is the world still spinning
Boys are players that’s a fact, don’t fall in love just play em back!
I love him, o yes i do, he’s for me, he’s not for you, if by chance you take my place i’ll take my fist and smash your face.
God made the wind blow god made the sun shnie but how the hell did god make u so fine??
Gils are pretty, girls are smart. boys are smarter and got a big heart!

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